Satin Ice

Satin Ice Gumpaste 2 LB

Product Code: 10010
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Use this 2-Pound Satin Ice Gum Paste Ready-To-Use to model and sculpt your decorative items for your cake. Over time this gum paste will set to harden. This gum paste is designed to produce a life-like sugar flowers, leaves, elegant ruffles, character figures, and other decorative pieces. Keep in mind the finished pieces will dry hard in order to keep their shape. However, the remainder of gum paste can be stored in a sealed container for long periods.

Handling: Knead desired quantity of Gum Paste by hand on a smooth, clean surface until the desired consistency is achieved. The Gum Paste may be rolled or molded very thin.

Note: To prevent drying, always keep Gum Paste covered. Reseal excess product in sealed container. Also, to speed up drying time, cellulose gum may be added to product in small quantities. The shelf life of a n airtight container is between 6-8 months. This product is also Kosher.


Customer Reviews

Average rating:

Satin Ice Gumpaste 15th May 2015

Excellent product and quality.

— Anna Lenis

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