LorAnn Oils

LorAnn 1 OZ Hot Chili

Product Code: 6030-0506
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Use Hot Chili Candy Oil In: Hard candy, general candy making, cakes, cookies, frosting, ice cream and a wide variety of other baking and confectionery applications.

Kick up your chocolate or hard candy creations with this hot and spicy all natural ingredient. Designed to be used along with other flavors - it’s truly a gourmet sensation!

Typical use: 1 teaspoon per pound of candy. Try it along with LorAnn’s Mango, Lime, Cherry, or wherever you want a spicy kick of flavor.

Kosher certified
Gluten-free & sugar-free
Appropriate for use in chocolates and coatings (typical use is ¼ to ½ teaspoon per pound)


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